There are stations missing and app force quits when you attempt to check out.
DO NOT USE. Trying to buy a ticket throws an error but still charges your credit card. This is not a one-off event; it does this every time.
Terrible app. Extremely unresponsive, slow and annoying to use overall. Also, no integration with Google pay? I will just buy paper tickets...
Recent update has broken this app, not sure what changed
Garbage app fitting for a garbage company
Freezes on Android 12
This stupid app has too many bugs. I've been trying to buy a ticket for 20 minutes. That is absolutely unacceptable.
Password UX is terrible
App freezes and hangs constantly on Android devices when navigating, fit it devs.
The glitchiest and most nonfunctional app I've ever seen. Broke so bad that I had to pay with cash, and it cost more as a result. The makers of this app officially owe me 5 dollars.